Sunday, April 28, 2013

On the threshold: Cocodeer

Thankful to all for your continuing business, interested interactions, and kind support. Over the years, Ciat Lonbarde has produced so many custom, hand made instruments for you. Each one has been different, and I feel warm to every one because it tells a story of the time it was made. Some used reclaimed pine from my Baltimore rowhouse, others used exotic rainforest hardwoods picked from a dumpster, and for the last few years I've been using 100% local Maryland hardwoods such as the Walnut, Cherry and Mulberry you see here:

This instrument is the last of the "clear backs" to be made at Ciat Lonbarde. It is also the last instrument to feature the signature, navy blue screen print. The name of the instrument: cocodeer. By the way, thanks to Meng Qi for synthesizing these two circuit boards first, an idea that I was waiting for to make, but he coined a simplest name for the contraption: cocodeer means a cocoquantus board plus a deerhorn board. It is a classic combo, with which I have been experimenting sonically for years. Believe me it is quite useful, because on one side you have the gestural control of the deerhorn radio antenna, and on the other side, the powerful aleatoric and algorithmic cocoquantus sampler/processor. The deerhorn feeds raw audio into the cocoquantus, but also there are the horizontal modulations to be made on the face of the board.

Again, let me emphasize that this is the final fully handmade instrument at Ciat Lonbarde. I have four of them for immediate sale. As I said, thanks for everyone's business over the years, and because of this nostalgic feeling, I cherished doing this work, to the extent that I actually signed the pieces on an inconspicuous place inside the box, using yellow pencil. I usually don't sign pieces, but that is another discussion altogether.

Don't worry, plumbutter the drum machine will return, in a more compact form, but for the moment this is the last of the cocoquantus. It has all the usual jacks: microphone input, piezo preamp, and synth input, which is paralleled with the deerhorn synthesizer output. The deerhorn as well has a set of inputs that can be modulated by your hand movement envelope. Finally, a L/R pair is the output. As I said, it features yellow mulberry wood, pink cherry that will age to dark burgundy, and the famous "purple" walnut. Treat it as a collectors item if you wish, for I put the cherishing touch into these four pieces, or treat it as an especially useful synth. Thanks, signed, Peter B.
Read about the Cocoquantus
Read about the Deerhorn within the Plumbutter documentation
Ciat Lonbarde Ordering

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