Hi Guys. The Stuber is a stereo filter with all kinds of controls and a digital octave divider to further e/affect your sounds. It is in the unpopular oval interface, which offers a philosophical background of androgynous nodes, marked as asterisks in the schematic. They are both inputs and outputs, and all these special curated nodes come to the surface of the instrument in either banana jack or brass stud format.
I've finished the prototype and you can watch two videos about it here:
The Stuber completes the line of oval instruments. All three, the Srine, Fyrall and Stuber, may be combined into one full "dudero" and I am very excited to make this happen with deluxe CNC capabilities. All three instruments received a lot of special attention to make them compatible with each other. So without further ado, here's the petite sketch of schematic. You can see the mansion multiplexers in the middle and the shape of four state variable filters to the sides. Q control is at the top. Enjoy!
Beautyfun! Really liked the videos. I first expected MTV Raps style scratchin on these fine wooden discs. Nice fish as well!