Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mister Norton, Poetics and Principles, Chapter 4, The Tierhorn

Ted was high in the castle tower that he rented, daydreaming of ivy.

Bill was in the tower too, leaning out and watching a herd of 

    deer approaching the village clearing. 

When they were at the edge he shot an arrow that killed the deer

    and the people who cheered all came below except for Ted, 

    who appeared high atop the castle tower:

  • In anakin leathers,

  • Pale and clammy

  • Lips stained by the wine of truth

  • Ostensibly To celebrate the feast of the beast, waving an arrow. 

His face suddenly puckered and aiming at bill he said,

We are the same person therefore if 

    we both hunt deer one will disappear.

Then he shot, and hit a crow which the 

    village ate quietly along the deer.


What follows are the usages of Norton amplifiers in the new instrument by Ciat-Lonbarde, called Cafeteria. It is a complete rehaul and recreation of the Cocoquantus, divided into three modules: Digital Cafe, Quantum Experiment, and (special edition) Tier Horn.

The preamp of the cafe uses one Norton amplifier (Application Note 72, LM3900, A new Current-Differencing Quad of Plus or Minus Input Amplifiers, Texas Instruments), with two PNP differential pairs, one for digital feedback and the other an input preamp. Thus, the most direct path between DAC and ADC is driven with the simplest silicon. Each differential pair is driven by a current mirror, serviced by an arp-serge apparatus.

There are five such oscillators in the Quantum Experiment, which is depicted at the bottom as platters of bric-a-brac shapes in a loop of flitty voltage samplers. The Quantum is thus abstracted in this schematic. At the top, one Norton (Application Note 72, LM3900, A new Current-Differencing Quad of Plus or Minus Input Amplifiers, Texas Instruments) acts as VCA to modulate the frequency of the main oscillator, composed of two Nortons: integrator and hysterizer. It gets a miniscule biasing current from the fourth Norton in the package. The VCA is controlled by a simple arp apparatus, and the main oscillator, by an arp-serge apparatus.

The tierhorn is a special edition deerhorn with a true heterodyning theremin. In the center are the two radio coils, feeding a four quadrant current multiplier, integrated by Mr Norton (Application Note 72, LM3900, A new Current-Differencing Quad of Plus or Minus Input Amplifiers, Texas Instruments). Continuing down, the sine wave is converted to pulses for a tachometer, like on the datasheet. Flip flops make the pulses into undertones for the dubstep filter. But first the voltage from the tachometer goes through two boundary circuits with variable decay. The boundary signals and tachometer are subtracted to create an error signal for the stereo enveloped theremin outputs. The boundary signals also feed a wobble oscillator (top right), which bounces between those boundaries, then modulating the state variable filter (top left, note that it only requires two Nortons). 12 Nortons total in the fleet.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Peter!
    Thank you so much for sharing your musings to this blog!
    It keeps a few of us diehards content :)
